SCHEDULE, leaderboard, and RULES

The time has finally come. Get ready for the top of Fenworks competition with all the schools in your state! Browse this page for all the information you need regarding your state tournament.


Fenworks and NDSU will provide all computers, monitors, headsets, and the racetrack for the event.

Each school must bring its own equipment for FPV and simulator racing, including drones, batteries, cords, transmitters, and goggles. 

account info

Schools will need to supply their own logins at the event. Please have the login info ready for the event.

Event schedule

Please take some time to review each racing type and when they are scheduled to play. Matches may start earlier if computers are open or if the course is free. If there is any confusion or questions, find us at the registration table or ask any Fenworks staff to help you.

Please note the below schedule is subject to change.
The times listed are rough estimates as a match will start once the previous match has ended.
Last Updated 05/02/2024
Link to Schedule

Leaderboards, Raw Times & Rules

Leaderboards and Raw Times 

Click on the very bottom to change the sheet. Click the button below to go to the google sheet.  
Link to Leaderboard


Click the button below to view all the rules. 
Link to Rules


Sponsoring community programs is a commitment to shaping the future of innovators and leaders. We're grateful to our amazing sponsors for being a crucial part of this season and tournament! 
Broadband Association of North Dakota Logo

 This event is not sponsored, endorsed, or administered by Bat Cave Games.

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