Season Information
Note: Some changes will be presented and discussed in an all-GM meeting that will be scheduled in January 2025. We are excited to see you there!
Google Calendar: Click here to add
Competition Formats:
- Leagues: Individual and Team Races (2 racers/team)
- Formats: Simulator and FPV
- Season: Individual and Team Leagues, Simulator Format Only
- Regional Tournament: Individual and Team Leagues, Simulator and Line of Sight/First-Person View (LOS/FPV) Formats
- Racers can compete in both Leagues and Formats
Important Dates:
- Individual and Team Registration: January 20 – February 14, 2025
- Individuals and Teams must be created and signed up on the Fenworks Platform by February 14.
- School Registration Deadline: January 24, 2025
- Preseason Dates: February 21 – March 6, 2025
- Regular Season Dates: March 7 – April 17, 2025
- Prep for Regional Tournament: April 18 – May 2, 2025
- Regional Tournament Dates and Location: May 3 – 4, 2025 at North Dakota State University
General Rules
General Rules
The spirit of Fenworks is to always play if you can and never take a forfeit unless you absolutely must. Although not a rule, this is a standard we hope all our teams and racers try to live up to!
1. Default Match Times
The regular season will consist of one weekly match. The default match time is Thursday at 4 PM CT. General Managers (GMs) can reschedule matches as needed within the week (Friday to Thursday). Weekly time submissions close Thursday at 8:00 pm CT.
The drone season will follow an asynchronous style of competition. Racing against the other team on Thursday at 4:00 pm CT is preferred; however, it is not required. See section 5 for more information.
2. Season Structure
Please see the “League Structures: Individual/Team” section below for all season structure information. Racers can fly individually and/or on a team.
2.1 Regular Season League Formats
Team races will follow a Swiss Format where teams will always play against another team with the same record.
What is a Swiss: This is a format where teams always play against another team with the same record (e.g., a 2-0 team will play against another 2-0 team). Schedules for Swiss leagues are released weekly on Fridays.
2.1 Regular Season League Formats
There will be two racing formats: Simulation and First Person View (FPV). There will only be Simulator races for the season. However, racers can do either format or both at the Regional Tournament. More information about how to sign up for FPV racing will be available later in the season.
What is Simulator?
Simulator racing is where racers fly using the simulator VelociDrone. They will use the same transmitter (controller) as when flying the physical drone to practice their skills and learn maneuvers.
What is FPV?
First Person View (FPV) racing is where racers fly using physical drones, and the camera system is attached to the drone and the FPV Goggles. This racing format will not take place during the season; however, we encourage all racers to practice this flying style. More information about FPV racing will be available once the season starts.
2.2 Preseason
Preseason matches will function as regular season matches in that racers will still need to check in and connect with their opponent on the Fenworks Platform and report their times. Results of preseason matches do NOT count towards your regular season record nor affect qualification for the Regional Tournament. Racers or teams that miss all their scheduled preseason matches will be dropped from the league unless there is prior communication with Fenworks Representatives and permission is given to miss the matches.
3. Regional Tournament
Below, you will find information on how Fenworks runs the Regional Tournament. All information below is subject to change, pending time, equipment capacity at the Regional Tournament venue, and the number of teams competing in each format. This will be confirmed once registration closes. More information on how the Regional Tournament will be executed will be available once registrations close. Seeding will be based on the results of the regular season.
- Simulator (Individual): TBD
- Simulator (Team): TBD
- LOS/FPV (Individual): TBD
- LOS/FPV (Team): TBD
(*The number of teams/racers is subject to change based on needs or considerations by the Fenworks Representatives.)
3.1 Tiebreakers
Racers/teams making the Regional Tournament will be based on seeding, which considers Standings Score first, then average match/round differential, then head-to-head (if applicable), and difficulty of schedule.
If individuals tie in the season leaderboard, and it will determine who gets to attend the Regional Tournament, then the racer with the fastest average time of Week 4 – 6 races will be seeded higher.
Standings Score will be calculated with the following values:
- Win by Play: 4 points
- Forfeit Win: 4 points (not counted in game differential)
- Bye Win: 4 points (not counted in match differential)
- Tie: 2 points
- Loss by Play: 1 point
- Loss by Forfeit: 0 points
4. Checking In and Reporting Times
If a racer doesn’t submit their times by Thursday at 8:00 pm CT, they will receive zero points for that week. Fenworks will not allow late submissions unless agreed upon in written format between a racer/GM and Fenworks Representatives.
A racer/team or GM should check in all participating racers on the Fenworks match page before starting their match. If a team decides to play with a reduced racer count, Fenworks still requires you to check in a full roster. In this scenario, a team should declare in the match chat which racer is missing before checking them in.
If both teams fail to submit times on the Fenworks platform by the time deadline (Thursday at 8:00 pm CT), both will receive a forfeit loss for the match. If one team is checked in and the other is not after the check-in time has expired, the team present is expected to wait 15 minutes after the start time of their match for their opponent. Once 15 minutes have passed, the absent team will receive a forfeit loss automatically on the Fenworks platform.
Times will be reported to the Fenworks Platform.
- Each racer is responsible for reporting times and saving replays/screenshots that prove their claim.
- All reported times must have a screenshot attached. Screenshots must include the track time and track name.
All teams must complete all the games of a match. If a team does not compete in all three games, it will be considered an incomplete match and result in you losing that match or receiving a forfeit.
All times must be reported directly following the match, or it will be considered a loss for both teams. Fenworks Representatives have the right to adjust the time if evidence is presented that the match was played or incorrect times were submitted.
5. Rescheduling Matches
All default drone times are Thursday at 4:00 pm CT. Fenworks recognizes that a set Match time might not work each week due to various reasons. GMs have two options if a match cannot be played at the default match time. If your opponent doesn’t show up by 4:15 pm, follow the Asynchronous process below.
- Reschedule the Match: Teams can reschedule a match as long as it’s within the week (Friday to Thursday)—weekly time submissions close on Thursdays at 8:00 pm CT. Teams do NOT have to accept reschedule requests. If a team doesn’t accept a reschedule, see #2 below to do an asynchronous race.
- Both GMs must agree upon the new time. This must be done by GMs and not by the racers
- The match must be rescheduled during the 7-day period before it was initially scheduled. Rescheduling periods start and end as follows:
- Starts the day after the default previous match time occurs (e.g., if the default match time is Thursday the 7th, the period begins the previous Wednesday the 1st)
- End the day of the default match time (If the default match time is on Thursday the 7th, the rescheduling period ends on Thursday the 7th). A rescheduled match must be completed by the end of its default scheduled day.
- Once a reschedule agreement has been made between two GMs, they should reach out to drones@fenworks.com to have Fenworks Representatives change the match day/time.
- Once the rescheduling has been processed, the new time will be considered binding, and any team that fails to show up at the new time will forfeit the match.
- Race Asynchronously: If both teams are unable to find time to race at the same time, a team can race either entirely individually (each teammate racing at separate times) or a team can race with both racers in the same lobby. Once they submit the times on the Fenworks Platform, the platform will wait to show any results until both teams have submitted their race times. Once both teams submit the times, the Fenworks Platform will automatically calculate and display the winner. If this option is chosen, it is up to both GMs to clearly communicate this to their teams’ opponents.
If a GM knows that their teams are not going to be able to make any of the scheduled matches, we ask that you let us know right away by emailing us at drones@fenworks.com. This will allow us to make sure we are following up appropriately.
If a team/racer drops out of the league during the regular season, Fenworks reserves the right to reschedule the remaining matches to reduce the number of forfeits the dropout would have caused.
6. Home/Away
The team shown on the left on the Fenworks Platform match page is the home team, and the team shown on the right is the away team for that match. This is not in effect for the Regional Tournament, where teams gain home advantage based on seeding.
7. Racer Eligibility
A racer is any participant who plays in an official match. All racers:
- K-12 Drone Racing
- Must be enrolled in the school they are representing
- Homeschooled racers may participate with a school if they live within the defined district lines for the school district in question and have received approval from the school district to participate.
- There is no age limit for drone racing.
- A racer may compete for only one school in the same school district.
- Must meet and maintain the district’s eligibility requirements for GPA and attendance to be eligible to play. School Administrators and GMs are responsible for following and enforcing this policy and their school policy. Fenworks suggests that participants should have a 2.0 GPA or higher.
- Can only be on one roster per school
- Racers cannot be on multiple teams. A racer can only be rostered to one team and play in one weekly match per school. Those matches will be forfeited if a racer plays in more than one match for team racing. Teams can also be rearranged by the GM as the season progresses. This means that a racer can change teams; however, they must be fully moved off the first roster and onto the second.
- For example, a racer cannot be rostered and compete for both Team A and Team B in a given week, but that racer could be rostered to Team A and compete in week one, then removed and added to Team B to compete for B in week two.
- There is no restriction on the number of teams or racers that can compete at each school.
- Must be enrolled in the school they are representing
- Collegiate Drone Racing
- Must be enrolled in the college/university they are representing
- No requirement on the number of credits being taken
- Must meet and maintain the college/university’s eligibility requirements for GPA and attendance to be eligible to play. GMs are responsible for following and enforcing this policy and their college/university’s policy. Fenworks suggests that participants should have a 2.0 GPA or higher.
- Can only be on one roster per college/university
- Racers cannot be on multiple teams. A racer can only be rostered to one team and play in one weekly match per college/university. Those matches will be forfeited if a racer plays in more than one match for team racing. Teams can also be rearranged by the GM as the season progresses. This means that a racer can change teams; however, they must be fully moved off the first roster and onto the second.
- For example, a racer cannot be rostered and compete for both Team A and Team B in a given week, but that racer could be rostered to Team A and compete in week one, then removed and added to Team B to compete for B in week two.
- There is no restriction on the number of teams or racers that can compete at each college/university.
- Must be enrolled in the college/university they are representing
*Eligibility is subject to change at the League’s discretion but must be communicated to all schools/colleges/universities before any changes take effect.
7.1 Roster Changes and Substitutions
Rosters are locked as soon as the season starts. However, GMs can re-roster any team throughout the season and before the Regional Tournament. If you wish to re-roster your team, you will need to contact drones@fenworks.com to get support with this. Any changes to rosters must be made by 8:00 pm CT on Friday for the following Thursday Match.
In the email, please include the following information:
- Team Name
- Racer(s) you want on the team (Include their name and username on the Fenworks Platform)
- Racer(s) you want removed from the team (Include their name and username on the Fenworks Platform)
- Who (if any) needs Captain Status
- The week you need this change for
This gives a one-day grace period for each week to change racers around. Each racer can only compete with one team a week, regardless of if they are a starter or sub. If a GM forgets to change the roster, they must wait until after the roster’s next scheduled match to add another racer to the roster. Once the Regional Tournament occurs, a final roster must be submitted, and no changes will be allowed. Substitution rules are as follows.
7.2 Substitutions
Individual Races: No substitutions are allowed for individual races.
Team Races: Teams will consist of two racers. Teams are allowed unlimited substitutes. A substitute can only sub for one team each week. Substitutions can be made between games in a match but not during a game or between the three races of a game. Teams should never substitute during an individual race (I.e., passing their controller off).
8. Spectators
Only the racers from the two teams competing in the official Fenworks match are allowed in the simulator lobby. The one exception is if a spectator joins to stream their team’s point of view (POV) for their official school/college/university stream, and the other team is made aware. The spectator must have an open mic for the entirety of the stream to prove they are not in contact with either team.
Racers competing in the match may stream their own POV. Stream malfunctions do not qualify as a reason for pausing a match. Any team breaking these rules is subject to penalties listed in section 12.
9. Names/Usernames
All Racers should enter the in-game name on VelociDrone that they will typically use. Fenworks encourages all racers to use the same name each week. You do not have to change the in-game name if it’s a one-off thing. See the Code of Conduct as well for additional guidelines. All racer’s names or profiles are prohibited from including:
- Gang Affiliation
- Drugs (including alcohol and tobacco)
- Sexual Material
- Offensive Material
- Politically Charged Symbols/Images
- Homophobic or Racially Insensitive Material
- Anything else at the discretion of Fenworks
10. Cheating
Any manipulation of gameplay including, but not limited to, scripts, wallhacks, aimbot, 3rd party applications, sound changes, or having another person play on an official racer’s account during match time will be considered cheating. Racers must also follow the Code of Conduct. Any team or racer caught cheating will be subject to the items outlined in section 12.
11. Harassment
Racers and GMs must always abide by the Fenworks Code of Conduct. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action, as outlined in the following section.
12. Disciplinary Action
If Fenworks decides that a racer has violated any of the rules, Fenworks may take the following disciplinary actions (as applicable). More information can also be found in the Code of Conduct:
- Verbal warning
- Game and/or match forfeiture
- Issuance of public warning (Verbal or written) to the racer
- Disqualification of the racer from participating in one or more matches of the tournament
- Stoppage of the racer from participating in one or more future competitions hosted by Fenworks
- Stoppage of the school/college/university from participating in one or more future competitions hosted by Fenworks
If a racer is suspended/banned by Fenworks Representatives, they, along with their GM, will be notified via email. Within 30 days of the initial penalty, an appeal can be sent by the GM representing the racer. Please send all appeals via email to drones@fenworks.com.
13. Spirit of the Rules
Finality of Decisions
All decisions regarding the interpretation of these rules, dispute resolution, racer eligibility, scheduling, staging of the tournaments, and penalties for misconduct lie solely with Fenworks Representatives, and their decisions are final. This includes the exclusive right to make definitive rulings on matters not specified within the rules and handbook.
Fenworks may update, revise, change, or modify these rules at any time to ensure fair play and the league’s integrity. Each racer’s participation in Fenworks after any update, revision, change, or modification to these rules will be deemed as acceptance by such racer.
League Structure – Individual
- Teams
- Schools/colleges/universities are allowed to field unlimited Individual league teams.
- Season
- Individual league seasons will have a two-week preseason, followed by six weeks of regular season, and end with an in-person Regional Tournament.
- Format
- Individual leagues use the following format:
- Leaderboard
- Individual leagues use the following format:
- Regional Tournament Qualification
- The top individuals from each league will advance to the Regional Tournament based on regular season results. See section 3 in “General Rules” for the number of racers that qualify for the Regional Tournament.
League Structure – Team
- Teams
- Schools/colleges/universities are allowed to field unlimited team league teams.
- Season
- Team league seasons will have a two-week preseason, followed by six weeks of regular season, and end in an in-person Regional Tournament. Regional Tournament dates and times will be announced each season on the Calendar, via email, and other channels.
- Format
- Team leagues use the following formats:
- Swiss
- Team leagues use the following formats:
- Regional Tournament Qualification
- The top teams from Team leagues make it to the Regional Tournament based on regular season results. Regular season records may affect seeding for the Regional Tournament. See section 3 in “General Rules” for the number of teams that make it for each league.
Individual - Simulator
1. Platforms
All official matches will be played via the VelociDrone simulator. Participants must ensure that they have the latest version of the software installed.
2. Default Match Time & Match Format
There are no default match times for individual-simulator races. All times for each week must be submitted by Thursdays at 8:00 pm CT.
Regular Season:
The regular season will follow a weekly and season leaderboard format.
- Weekly Leaderboard: Fastest Time – Racers will submit their fastest time (please note that this is the total time, not the “best lap time.”) to the Fenworks Platform and submit screenshots to support their claim. Once the week has ended, it will assign point values based on that racer’s rank for the week. Racers have unlimited attempts from Friday until the following Thursday at 8:00 pm CT to submit their times.
- Season Leaderboard: Total Points – Racers will receive points based on their ranks for each week that will accumulate throughout the season. By the end of the season, the racers at the top of the season leaderboard will qualify for the Regional Tournament. Point values will be determined at the end of registration pending the number of teams.
Regional Tournament:
More information about playoffs and the Regional Tournament will be available once the season has started.
3. Racers and Substitutes
Each racer will submit their times to the Fenworks Platform to get ranked each week. Substitutions are not allowed. If a racer doesn’t submit their time by the deadline, they will receive no points for that week.
3.1 Accounts
Racers can use personal or school/college/university-owned accounts. We recommend that a racer uses the same account throughout the season; however, it is not required. (ex. If you use the “school/college/university name01” account, please use it all season.
4. Lobby Setup and Process
If the incorrect ruleset is used, the attempts must be restarted immediately. If previous time submissions were under the wrong ruleset, they are void and must be replayed. It is up to the individual racer and GM to review the settings and make sure they are correct.
For more information about how to set up the drones, download the tracks, and create the lobby, check out the Common Questions help videos and FAQ Guides.
4.1 Drone/Quad Settings:
It is up to each racer to create their own lobby for individual competition. All official matches must use the designated racing drone model and specs listed below. These specs are the default settings for the Tinyhawk 2 drone.
- Quad:
- Tinyhawk 2 (not the Tinyhawk)
- Quad Settings:
- General
- Frame Lift – Downforce: 100%
- Air Mode: false
- Throttle Limit: 100%
- Quad Weight:100%
- Drag
- Drag Front:100%
- Drag Top: 100%
- Drag Side: 100%
- Propellers
- Propeller Size: 40mm (Please note that on the Drone selection screen, it does show it at 31. It looks like this is a bug in their system.)
- Propeller Power: 100%
- Prop Wash: 30%
- Propeller Profile: Profile 2
- Camera
- Camera Angle: 30 Deg
- Camera Mix Angle: 0 Deg
- Battery
- Battery Simulation: False
- Battery Mass Effect: 0%
- General
- Quad:
4.2 Track and Lobby Settings:
- Track
- Tracks will be released throughout the season. All racers are allowed to practice on any track as many times as they want. The track-of-the-week will be released each week on Fridays. The name of the track will be posted to the Fenworks Platform under “Common Questions.”
- Lobby Settings
- Game Settings
- Open Class – Laps
- Lap Count – 3
- Auto Arming – Checked
- Wind Settings
- Wind Strength – 0
- Turbulence – 0
- Gust Frequency – 0
- Wind Direction – 0
- Game Settings
- Track
5. Restrictions
No Cheating: Any instance of an outside influence will be determined as cheating and will be subject to consequences depending on the severity of the offense and if any previous offenses have occurred. The consequences will be immediate forfeiture of the match and possibly suspension from the league.
Modifications to the drone or settings: Any racer found to have modified the drone, not using the correct drone, or modifying the settings to give them an unfair advantage will be subject to disqualification.
Weekly Leaderboard: In the extremely unlikely event of a tie in Individual times, both racers will tie and receive the same number of points.
Season Leaderboard: In the event individuals tie in the season leaderboard and it will determine who gets to attend the Regional Tournament, then the racer with the fastest average time of Week 4 – 6 races will be seeded higher.
7. Outside Communication
Racers may communicate with a GM before and after their race attempts. All GMs and other spectators may not speak with that racer while a race attempt is happening.
8. Reporting Times
Each racer or GM must submit the total time, not the “best lap time” to the Fenworks Platform. All submissions must include a screenshot of the account name, total time, and the track name. All times must be entered to the third decimal point (ex. 123.456).
The Fenworks Platform will only save the most recent submission. Only update the weekly time if you do better than a previous time as it will overwrite anything submitted previously.
Other racers’ times will be hidden until the end of the week (Thursdays at 8:00 pm CT). If a racer forgets to submit a time, Fenworks will not adjust the time. Weekly and season ranks will automatically be adjusted once the week prior has been published every Friday.
9. Scoring
Each week, once racers have been sorted and ranked in the weekly leaderboard, that rank is associated to a point value. All the week’s points will be added together to create the season leaderboard. The points values by rank will be released once team registration has closed.
10. Disputes and Appeals
All disputes or appeals must be submitted to Fenworks in writing within 1 week of the Match in question. Disputes and appeals can be put in a match chat on the Fenworks Platform (you must flag an admin) or sent to drones@fenworks.com.
Fenworks will review all disputes and appeals and make a final decision based on the evidence provided.

Team - Simulator
1. Platforms
All official matches will be played via the VelociDrone simulator. Participants must ensure that they have the latest version of the software installed.
2. Default Match Time & Match Format
The default match times are Thursdays at 4:00 pm CT. All times for each week must be submitted by Thursdays at 8:00 pm CT.
Regular Season:
- All regular season matches will follow a 3-game structure.
- A match will consist of 3 games and each game will be 3 races of 3 laps (9 total races). Each race will take approx. 5 minutes to complete. Each game will be on a different track. Once finished with each race, racers will submit their time (please note that this is the total time, not the “best lap time.”) to the Fenworks Platform.
- Match Flow
- 1 Match Per Week
- Game 1:
- 3 races on Track 1 (~15 minutes)
- Game 2:
- 3 races on Track 2 (~15 minutes)
- Game 3:
- 3 races on Track 3 (~15 minutes)
- Game 1:
- 1 Match Per Week
- The season will allow for an asynchronous style of competition. Racing against the other team on Thursday at 4:00 pm CT is preferred; however, not required. See section 5 of the General Ruleset for more information.
- Individual racers are allowed to race in “chunks.” This means that they can race Game 1, Game 2, and Game 3 in different sittings. Racers are not allowed to split up the three races within the Game. They must complete those races in the same timeframe.
- Season and Weekly Leaderboard: On the Fenworks Platform, you will find the weekly matches of team vs team. Once the week has ended, the win/losses for those matches will be calculated and shown. The Fenworks Platform will automatically adjust the season leaderboard to show the current win/loss records. By the end of the season, the teams at the top of the season leaderboard will qualify for the Regional Tournament.
Regional Tournament:
More information about playoffs and the Regional Tournament will be available once the season has started.
3. Racers and Substitutes
All official matches will be 2 vs 2 (a two-person team vs. another two-person team). Each racer on each team will control their own drone, which amounts to four drones in each race (if racing at the same time as another team). The season will allow for an asynchronous style of competition. Racing against the other team is preferred; however, not required. See section 5 of the General Ruleset for more information. If a team does not have their full roster for a week or if a racer doesn’t submit time, that team can still compete.
3.1 Accounts
Racers can use personal or school/college/university owned accounts. We recommend that a racer uses the same account throughout the season; however, it is not required. (ex. If you use the “school/college/university name01” account, please use it all season.
4. Lobby Setup and Process
If the incorrect ruleset is used, the match must be restarted immediately. If previous games were under the wrong ruleset, they are void and must be replayed. It is up to both teams to review the settings and make sure they are correct. For more information about how to setup the drones, download the tracks, and create the lobby, check out the Common Questions help videos and FAQ Guides.
4.1 Drone/Quad Settings
The home team will make the lobby and invite the away team. All official matches must use the designated racing drone model and specs listed below. These specs are the default settings for the Tinyhawk 2 drone.
- Quad:
- Tinyhawk 2 (not the Tinyhawk)
- Quad Settings:
- General
- Frame Lift – Downforce: 100%
- Air Mode: false
- Throttle Limit: 100%
- Quad Weight:100%
- Drag
- Drag Front:100%
- Drag Top: 100%
- Drag Side: 100%
- Propellers
- Propeller Size: 40mm (Please note that on the Drone selection screen, it does show it at 31. It looks like this is a bug in their system.)
- Propeller Power: 100%
- Prop Wash: 30%
- Propeller Profile: Profile 2
- Camera
- Camera Angle: 30 Deg
- Camera Mix Angle: 0 Deg
- Battery
- Battery Simulation: False
- Battery Mass Effect: 0%
- General
- Quad:
4.2 Track and Lobby Settings:
- Track
- Tracks will be released throughout the season. All racers are allowed to practice on any track as many times as they want. The tracks-of-the-week will be released each week on Fridays. The name of the tracks will be posted to the Fenworks Platform under “Season Information.”
- Lobby Settings
- Game Settings
- Open Class – Laps
- Lap Count – 3
- Auto Arming – Checked
- Wind Settings
- Wind Strength – 0
- Turbulence – 0
- Gust Frequency – 0
- Wind Direction – 0
- Game Settings
- Lobby Settings
5. Restrictions
No Cheating: Any instance of an outside influence will be determined as cheating and will be subject to consequences depending on the severity of the offense and if any previous offenses have occurred. The consequences will be immediate forfeiture of the match and possibly suspension from the league.
Modifications to the drone or settings: Any racer found to have modified the drone, not using the correct drone, or modifying the settings to give them an unfair advantage will be subject to disqualification.
6. Tiebreakers
Weekly Matches:
- Race: In the extremely unlikely case that there is a tie in times for a race, the Fenworks Platform will automatically give both racers the highest score.
- Game: If there is a tie in a game, the Fenworks Platform will give the team with the fastest time out of all races of that game an extra point to break the tie.
Season: Standings Score will be calculated with the following values:
- Win by Play: 4 points
- Bye Win: 4 points (not counted in match differential)
- Tie: 2 points
- Loss by Play: 1 point
- Loss by Forfeit: 0 points
7. Stoppage of Play and Racer Disconnects
It is up to racers to ensure they will have internet connectivity to the VelociDrone servers during match time. The match may only be paused for the following reasons:
- Racer drops
- Racer disconnects
- Server crash
- Technical issues
- Fenworks Admin Requests
Stoppage of play may be requested anytime for the above reasons. The team initiating a pause must declare why they need one in the match chat on the Fenworks Platform. Each team will have 5 total minutes of in-game pause time per game. Consent from both teams must be given before the match is un-paused. If a racer disconnects before any drones leave the start zone, that racer can call for an official restart using the Fenworks Platform chat. If a racer disconnects after the race has started, the current race will finish as normal, and all racers will submit times as normal. For the disconnected racer, they will have to try and get back into the race and if they can’t get in, they must enter 999.999 as their time. If a race has finished, and the racer is still disconnected, both teams should wait for up to five minutes while that racer attempts to reconnect. After the disconnected racer rejoins, then the match will continue. If the disconnected racer cannot or hasn’t rejoined after five minutes, the race will continue, and that racer can rejoin when able. If they still have not connected by the end of the race, the next race shall be played without the disconnected racer.
8. Outside Communication
Teams/racers may communicate with a GM before and after each game in the match. All GMs and other spectators may not speak with that team/racer while a game is actively being played.
9. Tactical Pauses
Teams are allowed one tactical pause per match. It must occur between the games of the match. It cannot happen during gameplay. This pause may last up to 3 minutes per team. Pauses must be declared to the opposing team when they begin and when they end.
10.Reporting Times
Each week, a team must “declare” when they will start each game. If they are racing asynchronously. This just means that no matter what the time ends up being, they will submit it as their official time. It is up to each racer and GMs to abide by this policy. All submissions must include a screenshot that includes the date, time, and the track name.
Each racer, team captain, or GM must submit the total time, not the “best lap time” to the Fenworks Platform for the Match. All nine races must be submitted. All submissions must include a screenshot that includes the date, time, and the track name. All times must be entered to the third decimal point (ex. 123.456).
Other racers’ times will be hidden until a game has been completed by everyone, or until the week closes. If a racer forgets to submit a time, Fenworks will not adjust the time. Weekly and season ranks will automatically be adjusted once the week prior has been published every Friday.
11. Scoring
Race Points: The Fenworks Platform will automatically assign points based on the place of each racer per race. If there is a tie, both racers will get the same number of points, and the next person will get their actual place points. (Ex. If two racers tied for 1st place, they would both get 5 points, and the next racer would get 3 points and then the last racer would get 1 point. )
- 1st place: 5 points
- 2nd place: 4 points
- 3rd place: 3 points
- 4th place: 1 point
Game Points: The Fenworks Platform will automatically add up all the points of a game (the three races). This score might look like (12 – 27, 24 – 15, and 19 – 20). In the event that there is a tie in a game after adding up all the scores from the three races of that game, the Platform will automatically give an extra point to the team with the fastest race time out of the three races of that game.
Match Score: Teams will receive either a win (1) or a loss (0). The Fenworks Platform on the weekly view will show the updated match scores between the two teams, 0-3, 1-2, 2-1, or 3-0.
Season Leaderboard: This will show the match wins/losses a team has had throughout the season.
12. Disputes and Appeals
All disputes or appeals must be submitted to Fenworks in writing within 1 week of the Match in question. Disputes and appeals can be put in a match chat on the Fenworks Platform (you must flag an admin) or sent to drones@fenworks.com.
Fenworks will review all disputes and appeals and make a final decision based on the evidence provided.

Individual - First Person View (FPV)
There will be no FPV races during the season. More information about how FPV will be ran in the Spring will be available soon.
Team - First Person View (FPV)
There will be no FPV races during the season. More information about how FPV will be ran in the Spring will be available soon.